About Me
CLASS: Pi Mu | Spring 2011
HOMETOWN: Marlboro, NJ
Current Place of Residence: Bangkok, Thailand
BIRTHDAY: February 26, 1992
ETHNICITY: Korean-American
MAJOR: International Affairs, Conflict Resolution
Minor: Korean Language & Literature
Higher Level Degrees: University of Pennsylvania, Master's in International Development, 2016
BIG: Tiffany "Sanai" Yim
Little: Ashley "Sakarya" DaCosta
HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Netflix, Chocolate, and Biking
Personal Statement
I crossed SYZ Spring 2011, as a part of the Pi Mu class - wow, it's already been over five years! Time really flies. My syzsters have been a huge part of my undergraduate experience and I'm so thankful for the memories I've made with them! Since graduating in 2013, I moved to NYC to work at an education consulting firm, and then moved to Philly for grad school. Now I'm in Bangkok, working at a global non-profit and I'll soon be moving to Seoul, South Korea for a year under the Boren Fellowship! Life has taken me on a few unexpected turns, but I'm glad I am able to reach out to the vast Sigma network that exists all across the world in all these new cities I find myself in. 🙂