About Me
Class: Pi Tau | Fall 2014
Hometown: Austin, TX
Current Place of Residence: Dunedin, New Zealand
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Major: Geological Sciences | Environmental Studies
Minor: Geographic Information Systems
Year of Graduation: 2017
Occupation: Student
Big: Bettina "Santareia" Tamesis
Little: Natalia "Stormborn" Simmons-Thomas
Hobbies/Interests: Rocks are my life, but hiking and video games are fun too
Personal Statement
Born and raised in Austin, TX I plan on graduating and following my love of helping the environment to work in geothermal energy in New Zealand. I'm a big science nerd with a hankering to learn some knowledge - you can find me pretty much any hour of the day checking out rocks in Bell Hall or hanging with my syzters at the Sigma House.