To become an international organization uniting the sisters to follow the code of loyalty, allegiance and dedication.


To promote unity among women and the awareness of the Asian/Asian-American culture and heritage.


To best demonstrate sisterhood and allegiance by merging all efforts and interests to provide an invaluable experience for the sisters and services to the local communities and the community at large.

  • What Our Sorority Stands For

    The fundamental goal of Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority is to promote awareness of the myriad Asian/Asian-American cultures. Our sorority addresses this issue through leadership, outreach, individual and community interaction, and most importantly, the bonds of sisterhood. The sorority also promotes development among its members, the students and the faculty at each of the campuses we represent. In order to achieve this goal, we partake in political, social, educational, and cultural activities. Each effort improves our environment, and instills within our sisters experiences that will follow them long after they’ve graduated. Through a network of like-minded yet highly individualistic women, the sorority lends structure and support to sorors that share this Sigma vision. We believe the strength of our foundation derives from the unity of sisterhood, one that was proudly established years ago. In addition, we work in collaboration with other Greek and non-Greek organizations to provide services for the local communities and the community at large. It is through our various participations in these cultural events, educational workshops, and philanthropic support that we make a difference. Nationally, regionally, and individually, we strive to embody the ideals of Sigma Psi Zeta.

  • History

    On February 28, 1994, the Founding Mothers of Sigma Psi Zeta sat down together to discuss their common goal. They all aimed to establish an organization that encompassed the strength of today’s Asian-American woman and her potential for making an impact on the world around her. They came together as friends, realizing the apathy towards Asian women and the dual-disadvantage for being “The Silent Minority.”

    Founding Mothers 

    On March 23rd, 1994, the State University of New York at Albany formally recognized the sisterhood of Sigma Psi Zeta. This signified the birth of many firsts. Our Alpha Chapter was established on that date, as well as the birth of the first East Coast-based Asian sorority. The Founding Mothers struggled to establish our organization, our purpose, and most importantly, a precedence by fighting the odds.
    Since its inception eighteen years ago, Sigma Psi Zeta has grown to include additional sisterships with members who have pledged to uphold the same beliefs as our Founders in twelve states and twenty-three schools. Growth has been steady, but expansion in numbers has never been favored over strengthening from within. From this small group making up the first chapter, Sigma Psi Zeta has remained steadfast throughout its history, forward to the continued growth of a sisterhood which keeps pace with the ever-changing nature of the collegiate world and contemporary Asian society.

  • Philanthropy

    In 1999, the sisters of SYZ formally adopted our National Philanthropy, to Combat Violence Against Women. Among the first Asian Interest sororities to take on this very worthwhile cause, SYZ hopes to bring awareness to our universities and communities at large of this issue. Sigma sisters have built a campaign to help those affected by this tragic violence, to educate the community about the nature of this problem, and to empower our sisters to make a lasting commitment to the issue of violence against women. The National Philanthropy addresses violence against women in its varied forms. This includes, but is not by any means, limited to the following: rape, incest, domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, exploitation, the trafficking of women and children, the abuse of migrant workers, intimidation at work, child abuse, harassment, and spousal abuse. Any kind of physical, emotional or mental duress constitutes violence. Some ways sisters of Sigma Psi Zeta demonstrate their commitment to the National Philanthropy include:

    • Volunteering at domestic violence shelters
    • Volunteering at local womens’ centers
    • Sponsoring or attending conferences and meetings that empower women’s rights
    • Lending support to women that need this specific type support and seek help for them
    • Helping to stop violations against female refugees and asylum-seekers

Our Address

2206 F Street NW
Washington, DC 20037